
Apple Podcasts
Love this podcast

They have really interesting guests such as Jeff Guinn in the Out of the Ashes episode. Utterly fascinatingly and so tragic. I remember Waco happening but had no idea of the detail and facts

Apple Podcasts
Why do journalists have bad grammar?

It’s the tool of your trade! Loan is a noun! Lend is a verb. Fail. Sorry, but you should know your job. Also calvary vs cavalry. Look it up.

Apple Podcasts
A reliable go to for Delphi but…

Murder Sheet has always been a trustworthy resource when it comes to information and updates on the Delphi murders. I truly appreciate the research and thoroughness on which they report. I really wish they would stop talking about the sins of other Youtubers. We all know there are Internet trolls, we get it, stop scold...

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